Sunday, January 13, 2013

Granite City: Maumee, Ohio

Granite City is one of my favorite restaurants. Their bathrooms have awesome granite (go figure!) counter tops that are really nice.  On a recent visit to celebrate my birthday, I visited the bathroom only to find that it is still one of the better designed bathrooms that I have seen to date. One odd thing I found is that one of the bathroom stall doors had a sign (printed from someone's home computer/printer, I assume) that said if the door sticks, just push it a little harder. Needless to say, that was not the stall that I chose to use! I honestly have little to complain about with this bathroom. It is well designed, the fixtures are current (hey, the restaurant is about 5 years old...what do you expect?), and it is always clean every time I have used it.

Overall, I will definitely use this bathroom again and I give it 5 out of 5 toilets. Good job Granite are my first 5 out of 5. Now....if someone could share the French Onion soup recipe, that would be greatly appreciated :-)

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